Paul Maselli on S:22, E:12. TAP Interviews!

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The picture above is of guest Paul Maselli (EWOF) who will be appearing on Season Twenty Two, Episode twelve of TAP Interviews Web, TV Show Series Promoting his Services & Career!

This will be a live stream event, being recorded & going live on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn & eZWay TV. It will be streamed live @ 6:00 pm (PST/USA) time on Monday 9/9/2024. On Facebook Platform, as well as YouTube Platform, & LinkedIn Platform. Then being posted on eZWay TV.

Your Host for this episode is Matt J. Doyle.

Rock Drummer/Guitarist/Bassist Paul Maselli grew up in Arcadia, CA surrounded by VanHalen influence, and of course is a fan of all great Classic Rock and Music.

From Marching Bands and Orchestras, Maselli also was Rocking the Drums in various Rock Bands, some Guitar and to eventually World Touring with Dread Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin, Reggae-Style with Elvis!

After touring with Dread Zeppelin, Maselli also expanded further to playing Guitar in Classic Rock Bands and, believe it or not, his own 70’s Disco Band, The Bootie Shakers.

Another project “Fresh Zeppelin” a la Dread Zeppelin, where Maselli sometimes becomes Elvis/“Masellvis,” is in production.

Maselli appreciates most ALL forms of music and looks for what to admire in the various music genres.

Various “Maselli Rock” and “Pop/Rock” Original Songs, Combining the best of both Pop and Rock genres! …are also in progress.

Thanks for listening!

Social Media and Music Links…

Facebook Paul Maselli Facebook!

LinkedIn Paul Maselli LinkedIn!

YouTube Paul Maselli YouTube!

Instagram Paul Maselli Instagram!

Twitter Paul Maselli Twitter, now (X)!

Tik Tok Paul Maselli Tik-Tok!

Reverbnation Paul Maselli Reverb Nation!

Spotify Paul Maselli Spotify!

Soundcloud Paul Maselli Sound Cloud!/a>

Following is Paul’s eZWay Wall of Fame Profile:
Paul Maselli (EWOF)

Following is Matt’s eZWay Wall of Fame Profile:
Matt J. Doyle (EWOF)

I’ll keep you updated on this shows live stream events, via this blog. You may also fill out the following Web Form, for further Info, event notifications, plus Interview & show scheduling, on TAP Interviews or The Artist’s Process original show.

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TAP Interviews Facebook Page

TAP Interviews YouTube Playlist

TAP Interviews Official IMDb Page

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Thank you for visiting,

Matt J. Doyle

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