Paul Maselli
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My Artist Bio
“Ladies and Gentlemen.... Former Light Heavyweight Boxing Champion Of The World.... Fresh Cheese!"
World Touring Drummer... Paul Maselli "Fresh Cheese" from Dread Zeppelin '89-92 (Robert Plant's favorite band of that time)!
Rock Drummer/Guitarist/Bassist Paul Maselli grew up in Arcadia, CA surrounded by VanHalen influence, and of course is a fan of all great Classic Rock.
From Marching Bands and Orchestras, from Santa Anita Elementary, Dana Jr High, Arcadia High School to UCLA, Maselli also was Rocking the Drums in various Rock Bands (Dreamer, Looking Glass, Package Deal, Bay Of Pigs, The Bel-Fires, The Screwdrivers), some Guitar with GoldiRox and to eventually World Touring with Dread Zeppelin (Led Zeppelin, Reggae-Style with Elvis!).
After Dread Zeppelin, Mickey Rat was a fun Rock Band too.
After touring with Dread Zeppelin, Maselli also expanded further to playing Guitar in Classic Rock Bands like Potty Mouth and, believe it or not, his own 70's Disco Band, The Bootie Shakers.
Another project "Fresh Zeppelin" a la Dread Zeppelin, where Maselli sometimes becomes "Masellvis," awaits further potentials.
Maselli appreciates most ALL forms of music and looks for what to admire in the various music genres.
Various "Maselli Rock" Original Songs await completion and herein are some samples of the ideas and works in progress.
AND let’s not overlook “Maselli Pop Rock” “MPR” - Rockin’ Pop!
Combining the best of both Rock and Pop genres!
Meanwhile, ALSO stay tuned for...
“The New Renaissance!” - “A Night To Remember - Spectacular!”
(Change The World - Be The Change)
A Grand Musical Experience with our Symphony Orchestra Variety Concerts coming to a major city near you soon!
-->> Incorporating Classical Music, Epic Soundtracks with Celebrity Guest Performers and elements of Rock, Pop and other Musical Styles.
** Also, in Support of Music Performance and Education and as well as encouraging awareness of Human Rights, Rock Against Trafficking and making Good Choices in life, for an improved world.
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Paul Maselli
Maselli Productions
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