The Day the Music Stopped

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The Day the Music Stopped

As someone that has lived in Nashville since 2002 this film moved me to my core! The changes have been bitter/sweet! Change is inevitable where ever we go. You have to take the good with the bad! With that being said it is heartbreaking to see big cooperations come in annihilate these smaller businesses! 

Exit/In was the heart of Nashville! History in Nashville!  It’s not just a business! As said in the film this was family to these people! It was the blood, sweat, and tears of these hard working people! Without any care these big cooperations that come in and take it just like that! 
Cities across the nation need to have guidelines  for these big corporations coming in taking out the heartbeat and history in these buildings. 
The Day the Music Stopped was an excellent film! It was factual and very heartfelt. 
Save small businesses from big cooperations.
September 19th -24 2024 is the Nashville Film Festival in Nashville TN.
Jamie Lynn
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