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With over 200 million views and counting and founded in 1993, Movies Reviews and More is a multimedia organization made up of free thinkers and radical ideas. We produce hard-hitting independent content on entertainment, sports, technology, culture, the arts, and commerce. Movies Reviews And More exists outside of the main stream way of thinking. Our goal is to deliver fresh, unbiased information and insights to our, viewers, listeners and readers every day. Movie Reviews and More is an engaging blend of insightful entertainment industry analysis, social issues discussions with an offbeat mix of humor and cultural interest while continuing to attract the most recognizable names in the cultural, arts and entertainment worlds. Movies Reviews and More attracts more then 200 million national views and counting! We also produce original online programming as well as podcasts, live events, and more.

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120 million views and counting and one of the best outlets in the world

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120 million views and counting, and one of the best media outlets in the world!

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