Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Ms. Mogul® will host a live streaming event, the Create Your Own Economy Summit™

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Chairidee Smith, also known as Ms. Mogul® is a global speaker, founder and CEO of MoguLife Real Estate® MoguL-U Real Estate Academy® , Mommies Creating Economies®, Global Center for Women’s Leadership, Girls Global Leadership Day, and Create Your Own Economy® movement.
On Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Ms. Mogul®  will host a live streaming event, the Create Your Own Economy Summit™.
It is a known truth that entrepreneurship is the bedrock of economic power in the US. During the recent economic downturn of the 2020 pandemic, many small businesses experienced “terminal employment”, layoffs, and depended heavily on PPP programs for survival.
The purpose of this series is to hear what 7-figure earners, proven business leaders have to say about
✔  how to traverse economic downturns and leverage for the next economic cycle,
✔  how to anticipate the next “big idea” and growth trend,
✔  the role of technology in global growth,
✔  how individual businesses create economic security for stakeholders, and more.
RSVP to view our stream conversations with our panel of high-performance leaders at www.YouCanCreateYourOwnEconomy.com. Also, our guests will provide digital gifts and tools to transform your business but your must RSVP to receive those downloads.
The first 100 people to RSVP for free get a 30% discount on The M.O.G.U. L Method Mastermind course to be hosted by Ms. Mogul beginning June 1, 2021.
Subscribe to our websites at www.MommiesCreatingEconomies.com and  www.YouCanCreateYourOwnEconomy.com.  Also follow Ms. Smith on FB, IN, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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