Reading Adventures For You And Your Child by Jo Ann Gramlich, M.S.

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Reading Adventures For You And Your Child by Jo Ann Gramlich, M.S.

A lot of kids don’t find reading to be exciting.  Maybe they just haven’t discovered the reading content that motivates them. You can help your kids take an interest by talking about topics that are of interest to them.  Is there a specific sport or a specific field of interest? Does your son still like dinosaurs? Does your daughter like the world of fantasy or creative crafts?  By selecting reading content that catches their attention and draws them to reading, you offer your child a motivating boost.

For some youngsters, reading is seen as dull and adventurous books always take second place to the appeal of movies and shows on television.  If this is the case, there are creative ways to get your child interested in reading books.  Here are some tips that will encourage even the most reading resistant children. You may choose any of these tips in whichever order you and your child prefer.

  1. Read a book together followed by watching the movie

Take a book that has been made into a movie such as Where the Wild Things Are, Polar Express, or Peter Rabbit and read it together a couple of chapters at a time. Once you’re done reading the book, enjoy a family movie party.  You can even create some fun costumes to wear that represent the various characters in the story.  It is a perfect way to inspire hesitant readers.

  1. Visit your local library

Taking your child to the library can be a magical experience.  Tell your child that you are going on a trip to the library.  Build up the event prior to going and let your little one know that this will be a fun learning adventure.  This experience will not only be educational, but you will be sharing the gift of reading with your child.  Your child will be exposed to a variety of reading materials that will expand his mind, imagination, and vocabulary.  Your child will not only be able to pick out his own books of interest, but he can check them out too.  He will be entitled to apply for his own library card which will give him a sense of responsibility and a feeling of belonging to the local library branch.

  1. Organize reading time with a friend

There are a number of reading programs that can be implemented to support reading to friends or peer helpers with many amazing outcomes.  Reading to someone else will help inspire a young learner to read and build up their self-confidence as they continue to be exposed to reading books.  They will also build lasting and meaningful friendships with their peers.

  1. Have an open discussion with your child about books they are reading

Hold regular discussions about books of interest with your child.  Encourage creativity by having them select a book they read and enjoy a club-style book discussion with them.  You can help them create a simple worksheet that outlines the genre, setting, characters, actions, and plot which will guide them when speaking about the important story elements of the book.  You’ll find that kids are much more engaged when they’ve had a choice to talk about a book that keeps their attention.  They learn to share their thoughts on books they have read and think about new topics that they might not have come across.

  1. Let your child listen to audiobooks

Audiobooks can help improve your child’s comprehension and vocabulary.  When children hear new words along with reading them, they can significantly develop their comprehension and vocabulary skills.  Listening to anyone happily reading a book with expression is a perfect opportunity to learn and improve fluency abilities. Audiobooks are available on the web.

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