RBL 08-30-2021

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RBL 08-30-2021



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Every Mon. 10 a.m. PST

With Host: James Zuley and Reatha Grey

Reatha Grey Tech Time: 

Special Guests: CAT OSHMAN – CAT OSHMAN, VP Of Design Women’s Swim And Fit Expert has designed thousands of swimwear styles for women of all ages, from super sexy to more conservative. Throughout her journey as a designer for 25+ years, she has traveled the globe for inspiration, spoken with countless women, buyers for major retailers and specialty shops.

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Jim’s Gem: SPECIAL GUEST: TOM CATALDO – Tom Cataldo is a WWll Veteran who also has Better Visions For Children.

Carmelita’s Corner Special Guest: REX REGINALD – Rex Reginald is a notable name amongst the film industry.  He is on a crusade to end the torture of dogs and cats which are a delicacy in the cuisine in countries such as China, South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand.  Innocent dogs and cats are boiled or skinned alive in order to induce adrenalin and fear which these cooks believe produces a special flavor in their meat. Rex has exposed this horrific practice on his website.

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