New show Heart Talks with Pattie Sadler coming soon to EZWAYTV

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New show coming to the eZWay Wall of Fame and eZWay TV called Heart Talks hosted by Pattie Godfrey Sadler an eZWay Wall of Fame member.
We all have stories to share that could be life changing for others.  Dropping your heart on the floor to save lives is the essence of making a difference on a global platform.  When you share your heart, tell your story, and inspire others, you are having a direct impact on the healing of this beautiful world that we live in.  Consider sharing your story today and let’s talk about your part in changing the world.

Did you know that on a global scale there are more than one pandemic going on?  You may not realize it, but because of the changes that have been happening everywhere, now is the time and place to actually have more of an impact on all the heartache, disease, drug abuse, trafficking, and other worldwide disasters that are happening to and affecting all of us.

The ability to share and impact on a virtual stage is unprecedented in these times of changing technology and opportunities.  The new age of digital ability gives us a new way to reach the masses on a global capacity.
We all have stories to share that could be life changing for others.  Dropping your heart on the floor to save lives is the essence of making a difference on a global platform.
When you share your heart, tell your story, and inspire others, you are having a direct impact on the healing of this beautiful world that we live in.  Consider sharing your story today and let’s talk about your part in changing the world.

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