Spencer Wilding

celebrities • filmmaker
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About me

Spencer Wilding is a Welsh actor and special creature performer in the UK. He is known for his interpretation of strong and imposing characters, often using prosthetics and makeup. He has appeared in films and series like Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, the saga Harry Potter, Wrath of the Titans (2012), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), and Victor Frankenstein (2015). In 2016, Wilding starred as Darth Vader in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Well it all started when i seen the big bright light and got me arse slapped (sorry mum) :) i was and still am one of those kids when me mates went to watch the footie I went and looked for animals and climb the nearest tree ... I was born in the smallest city in the world St.asaph in N.wales i was born in to a very big family with stong jeans both sides gizzie/wilding .. I have two siblings nev wilding & Samantha wilding ones a famous rock star and me sis is a famous make-up Artist !! They cracked the barrel when they made us lot lol ... Thanks Dad ;-) Right then when i left school i tried a few colleges out farming / sports college but failed in both i was dyslexic so i found reading and every think else so hard when putting things to paper but practical i shon at I've had so many jobs but i had this pull the job wasn't for me but i always learnt somethink from the job wich so later in life I could use :-) 1995 i became a pro-kickboxer became one of the best in the world - then yr 200O I became a pr-boxer did prity good in that world to ... But my dreams all came true in 2002 i got me self an agent and landed and got me self a role in a film you may of herd of HARRY POTTER playing the werewolf and the rest my friend is History :-) please follow my dreams www.imdb.com spencer wilding much love guys xxx ps I am looking for acting work hint hint if your the man that can have a word ;-) x

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Known for
Starwars Darth Vader, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, MIB, Green Lantern, Wolfman, and more...

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