Rosalyn Kahn

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About me

Rosalyn Kahn is TEDx speaker coach, Author, International Motivational Speaker, Humanitarian and College Professor.   Ms. Kahn has been an educator for the last 20 years teaching Public Speaking, English as Second Language in colleges and high schools throughout Southern CA.  Several years ago, she attended her first TEDx conference in Pasadena. She was immediately drawn into the TEDx fever.   Rosalyn worked on the experiential committee of TEDx and thereafter followed her expertise to coach dozen TEDx speakers.  Rosalyn spoke over three times beginning in (2013) “Language comes to Life”,  (2015) “Coming Around the Curve” and  (2017) “Breaking Cultural Barriers. She began her business Coaching and Professional Speaking nearly ten years ago.   Rosalyn has trained over thousands of students and worked with individuals from teens to business executives improve their presentation skills to fulfill their goals. Her gift is helping individuals learn to speak with their authentic voice. Currently she’s coaching a 16 year old working to become Ms. Filipino Teen in 2021 and another lady La Nelle Schwab owner of two businesses Lanelle Health Pro and Lanelle Connection aspiring to be on the TEDx stage. Pre-pandemic Rosalyn Kahn has spoken on several hundred stages from Belgium Labor Conference to NAFE, GSFE, NAWB0 and many in between In 2021 she was recently interviewed on over 40 podcasts in 90 days from Canada, England, India and across and last year recorded 30 interviews including, movie stars. authors, directors, & healthcare workers for her own series on IGTV called Rosalyn Kahn Community of Unity.  Her most recent interviews were with International Best Seller Robbie Motter on “Diva Strategies” and Best selling Author Eric McCoy “High While Clean: Recovery EcoSystem”. She published three of her own books all available in both Ebook and hard copy. Her first book Random Acts of Kindness are Changing the World by Solutions Press. Second Dog and Roses –How to Reduce Stress in Today’s Troubled Times Most recently, her third book is Message for Tomorrow’s Leaders. She is also a co-author #Linked in for Business Consultants by Debra Faris Best Seller International Best Seller and Amazon Best Seller by Robbie Motter, “It’s All About Showing Up, The Power is the Asking”.

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