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About me

Hello, My name is Ronit Ofir Engel A.k.A Queen Ofir. I'm a high-energy worldly woman with a good education and agile intellect. I possess an honest perspective on life and have the heart of a passionate lion. I'm also a kind and lighthearted soul with a very creative mind and vibrant spirit who is infused with positive energy and a desire to help others. I love inspiring people to achieve the best they can in life. I also love working in profitable business ventures and creating new, unique concepts and products that expand my life professionally as well as benefit others. What’s most important to me is being a caring individual, a person who has compassion for other people, for animals, for noble causes, and for doing good in the world.

Ofir Engel A.k.A .Queen Ofir is the CEO at Passion Show Records, a Renowned multi-lingual singer songwriter composer-producer, HIGH voltage, electrifying SHOWSTOPPER! Queen Ofir has 10 Grammy FYC nominations and garnered 29 international music awards including Peace

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United States
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