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Catherine M Laub

About me

Catherine M Laub Hosts her self-produced podcast “The Celestial Spoon”, is an Award-Winning Inspirational Author, a Speaker for Stress Resolution and Suicide Prevention, a Psychic and Spiritual Guide. She helps people feel better with her positive outlook and describing overcoming her own deep depression. Her campaign is "Brighten Your Day with Turquoise." Turquoise, because it is a calming color and helps you think clearly. Catherine pushes through many health challenges. She inspires others through her healing journey and spiritual skills to feel invigorated and empowered to go forward in their own struggles. She psychically delivers information to them from the spiritual realm, their guides and angels that benefits them greatly with their lives. Catherine does readings at events, as well as performing sessions with clients world-wide. Her writings can be found in over 20 collaborative books and the RHGTV Magazine.

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