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Bernardo Moya

About me

Los Angeles, CA…Personal development is the common denominator in all that Bernardo Moya does. As one knowledgeable person in that realm says, “Bernardo is the real deal.” In The Question: Find Your True Purpose, you will discover exactly how to stop asking the questions that hold you back or lead you nowhere, and start asking the questions that will empower you to mastery of three traits of success: resilience, revolution and reinvention. Bernardo Moya is an editor, author, publisher, TV producer, editor-in-chief of The Best You magazine and CEO of NLP Life Training (the world’s largest Neuro-Linguistic Programming organization.) Moya has been an entrepreneur for over 30 years, author, speaker, publisher, TV producer and seminar promoter. He has unrivalled experience in the world of self-help. He is the architect behind the UK’s biggest annual personal and professional development event - The Best You Expo held in London and California. Through this event and the Best You Legacy Clubs, in the last 10 years, Bernardo has promoted more than 600 personal development leaders. These global events feature speakers, workshops and seminars from the industry’s biggest names and reach audiences of over 100,000.

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