Lynda Roy

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About me

Life Coach, Certified Nutrition and Cooking Instructor, Lightness Quest TV Show host, and Coach for the Lightness Quest Membership Pass. Lynda helps you to be lighter in body, mind, and spirit. Learn techniques to reduce stress and go from emotional eating to Conscious Eating, boost your immune system, decrease the risk of cancer, and reverse heart disease & Type 2 diabetes. Featuring Whole Plant Foods,  Mindset Workshops, and the power of Meditation. Known for KSPR ABC-TV News “Cooking With Lynda” Series, Certified Plant-Based Nutrition & Cooking Instructor specializing in Conscious Eating and Spiritual Oneness. Combining 18 years of personal research and training in the L.I.G.H.T. System™ for a healthy weight, chronic disease reversal, meeting recommended nutrient allowances, and helping us to fall in love with foods that love us back. Lynda-Marie shares her evolution and guides you from a foundation of unconditional love.

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