Keeping Up With Kym

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Keeping Up With Kym

So tonight was the first of MANY adventures in “Keeping Up With Kym”. I was honored to be part of  the LIVE TAPS Interview with Matt J Doyle. I can’t even express my gratitude and love to all who have helped me get to where I’m going.  A HUGE shout out an love to my dear friend/family..Rayster Michaels who introduced me to Eric Zuley and the EzWay Family!  Another HUGE Shout out to Eric Zuley for entrusting me to oversee the EzWay projects, events and more so Editor In Chief of the EzWay Magazine and MUCH more!!

I have met a lot of amazing new friends and connections on here and the support I’ve received for my Serenity Wellness Magazine and upcoming shows has been such a blessing! I am looking forward to meeting and connecting with more of you and helping us all succeed and make our dreams reality!

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