Eric Zuley’s two pronged interactive app launch and awards show December 9-10 allows networking and awards celebs for civic and professional endeavors.

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Eric Zuley’s two pronged interactive app launch and awards show December 9-10 allows networking and awards celebs for civic and professional endeavors.

EZWAY Golden Gala Madness abounds as celebrity enthusiasts are positioning themselves for an opportunity of a lifetime to get up close and personal with some of their favorite stars from December 9-10, as Eric Zuley’s two pronged event, an interactive app and Awards show which will enable collaboration and awards merriment in combination with networking opportunities, IT IS ON AND POPPIN  December 9-10, 2022.

Imagine that celebrities are really human and appreciate being valued and appreciated for just having empathy for their fellow human beings. Meet the beautiful Wendy STARLAND, LADY GAGA’S  DISCOVERER.!! Consider an app that can connect you to opportunities in, not only business, but also, with specific entities whom  youve long admired and valued as experts. Well Zuley’s app and awards gala opens up the doors to those  people and dynamics and more. Make sure that you register and get in this energy mix on December 9-10, 2022.

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