Deb Drummond Writes the Foreword for “Navigating the “High C’s” to Success” by Sandy Rutherford

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Deb Drummond Writes the Foreword for “Navigating the “High C’s” to Success” by Sandy Rutherford

Book Summary:

This book is a guide for charting your course to extraordinary achievement – it is a formula for achieving dream goals. It is a charter of the key components that MUST be embraced in order to achieve success. This book includes the concepts I have developed along the way in both my own journey and my clients’ journeys. As well, it is a gathering of the timeless teachings shared by so many of the greats such as Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins and many more over more than 100 years. I have come to realize that there are 8 key concepts that each and every one of us must give attention to and embrace. They all happen to begin with the letter C and you must address, learn and apply them in a certain order. Doing so will not only raise your energy and productivity, but it will allow you to smoothly reach the heights of your dream goals.

Each “C” chapter consists of powerful quotes relevant to that chapter’s concept, plus an assessment tool and an exercise to help you apply the chapter concept. This is your charter of the key concepts that MUST be embraced in order to achieve intentional success. And as you do, you will FEEL the difference, you will FEEL the wind in your sails and the acceleration pick-up. You will see your destination come into full view and KNOW that you are on course to reach it.

Debs Foreword:

“There hasn’t been anything Sandy Rutherford has done to date that hasn’t gotten people up on their feet cheering! Well folks, she’s done it again! When I think of Sandy, I think of Extraordinary Achievements. Her gift is the ability to match systems to people to move them to greatness almost without them realizing what’s about to happen to their lives. Thank you, Sandy, for creating this book that finally has all that we need for excellence, all in one place! In the last 30 years, as a seasoned business woman, speaker and creator of entrepreneurship opportunities internationally, I have created 7 companies in the arena of optimization and top performance.

Incorporating personal development into my business plans, and also my life plans, has been a critical determinant of my success. It’s very true where you go, you follow. Sandy has done all the work for us, with the knowledge from her background in corporate processes, partnerships, working for multinational companies and now an incredible leader in the circles of entrepreneurship, she has finally delivered a book that has all we need in one place. This simple system of powerful personal development concepts will leave you soulfully inspired, clearer than you have ever been and fuelled to not just take action but to take the right actions!

This is a book you will be gifting to all your fellow teammates, colleagues, and people you care about so they can have a better and easier life! The epiphanies you’ll experience by reading this book will be like golden eggs dropping from the sky. Get ready to sail!

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