Being Unleashed and Unstoppable – A Two Year Celebration!

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Thank you deeply for celebrating 2 years with us on the Unleashed and Unstoppable Podcast! 

You’ve made this possible! Thank you for being with us each week.

And, thank you for continuing the conversation about how we can unleash our brains’ potential to create the lives we want — and how we can wire in that potential so that it becomes unstoppable!

We believe everyone deserves to be unleashed and unstoppable. We believe everyone — yes that’s you — deserves to live a life full of connection, meaning, and joy.

In Being Unleashed and Unstoppable – A Two Year Celebration!, Alex Lianne and Carol talk about their favorite topic you guessed it your brain.

In this episode, we go back to the roots of neuroscience, reviewing what our show, at its core, is about and remembering our most transformative episodes.

We Cover:

✔ Vision, declaring, and taking action: why your WHY is your fuel

✔ How creating from BEing is the secret antidote to cognitive dissonance

✔ The Journey! You’re ONE thought away from your biggest breakthrough

Here’s the kicker… we believe you already ARE unleashed and unstoppable… you just have to step into it.

Carol also shares about a special opportunity she had to learn from thought leaders who put their neuroscience tools into play every day.

Let’s just say… if we imagine we’re in a big race (a journey) but it’s not a marathon there’s no 26th mile, no final destination in fact how far can we go?

As Alex Lianne will tell you, it’s important to pause at the rest stops along the way, take a breather and fill our cup.

So, pour yourself a cuppa’ **your favorite refreshment** and tune in to this 2-Year Celebration Episode for your weekly dose of #neuro-nourishment.


Our Top 5 Episodes of All Time ✨:

1. The Three Roots That Are at the Source of Your Limiting Beliefs

2. How to Define Who You Really Are

3. Reclaiming Your Voice: How to Speak Up and Be Heard in Any Situation

4. How to Get Unstuck and Out of Your Own Way

5. The Truth about Clutter with Mel Mason

Now’s Your Time to Create an Even Better Story,

XO Carol + Alex Lianne

[Editor’s Note: If you’re still reading, hi there 👋 I just wanted to pop in and share something with you.

Having been privy to the process, I can tell you first hand just how much intention and care Alex Lianne and Carol put into naming their podcast… 2 years ago now!

When they say they’re passionate about the power of using principals of neuroscience to unleash our potential and make our success unstoppable… they mean it!

They’ve experienced the transformation in their own lives… and I’ve observed how much they genuinely love watching the transformation in yours and mine.]


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