Interview with Brian Sebastian

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Get to know eZWay Wall of Famer Brian Sebastian a little better!

Follow his profile and connect!

1. Tell us about yourself and what you do for a living?

We do Movie Reviews and celebrity interviews. We currently have 4.5 Million views a day and counting. I have 10 female Co-Hosts 4 of the 10 are pageant winners Ms Russia, Brazil North Carolina and Phillipines, and 4 out of 10 are fitness competition winners.

2. How are you dealing with this CoronaVirus pandemic? 

We’re NOT having any problem, we’re safe and doing very well!

3. Have you transitioned your business to digital? If yes how? 

We did that years ago. We’re ahead of the curve as they say.

4. How are you enjoying being on the eZWay Wall of Fame and how has it helped you? 

We like posting content and enjoy the relationships that Eric and the network provide.

5. What is happening for you or your business in 2020-2021?

Business as usual, we’re still doing what we have always been doing and things are great!

6. What advice do you have for our other Wall of Fame members and visitors? 

Reach out to others on the eZWay Wall of Fame and make those good friendships and business connections.

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